
Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , on July 31, 2009 by phillbot

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Wrasslin’ in Toronto

Posted in wrestling with tags , , , , , , on July 23, 2009 by phillbot

Last Sunday, Iattended Stranglehold Wrestlings “Ouch!” event at the Tranzac Club in Toronto. It was my first Stranglehold show, and it will not be my last. Despite the technical problems (laptop related sound issues), the douchebag scenesters sitting behind my wife and I (discussing their next “docu-drama” in voices loud enough to let everyone know they are important) and the shoddy refereeing, it was a great show;complete with a sick Necrobutcher and that indy feel where heels will yell insults at you.

The highlight of the show for my wife and I was getting to meet Necrobutcher. After the show, we were able to get pictures and have a quick chat before the rest of the crowd noticed he was there. He informed us that he had next to no sleep and was vomiting before the show. He still performed in his classic brawling style, even though he appeared a bit “off”. Here is a quick video my wife took of Necro’s match, sorry about the light issues, but the lighting produced  a lot of shadows outside the ring.

By far the best match of the night was the Phil Atlas vs. Koshida match. Two competent high-fliers who knew how to work the crowd (Atlas being billed as a Toronto native and Koshido using the away-team, foreigner gimmick) put on an 11 minute action packed match, with a great ending that can be viewed here.

In other Wrasslin news, I am going to attend 2 ROH (Ring of Honor) shows this weekend at the Ted Reeve Arena. The shows will feature autograph sessions with Lance Storm and Ric Flair, Lance Storm will also be in action, as well as Bison Smith, Necrobutcher, Austin Aries, Chris Hero, Colt Cabana, Jerry Lynn and others. The highlights for me are going to be Fridays tag match between the Briscoes and Super Smash Brothers, as well as an appearance of *dramatic pause* BRET THE HITMAN FUCKING HART. I will most likely spend the money to get a Hart autograph (depending on whether or not I can afford it) and most certainly will buy a Hitman t-shirt.

Harry Potter vs Necrobutcher?

Posted in wrestling with tags , , , , , , , , , , on July 18, 2009 by phillbot

This Sunday, my wife and I were supposed to go on a “date”.

My wife and I don’t really get to spend that much time together right now. Work and school seem to keep us on kind of opposite schedules, so we don’t really get out much. This Sunday we decided to go to our favorite Indian restaurant Sha-la-Mar, then go to see “Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince”. Indian food and 3 hours of Hogwarts and Muggles, can’t get much better, right?



I have recently gotten my wife mildly interested in Pro. Wrestling, by watching the roundtable discussions on the WWE 24/7 “Legends of Wrestling” program. This has led my wife to show some interest in certain wrestlers, and led me to buy her a ticket to one of the upcoming ROH shows in Toronto. One of the wrestlers my wife has shown interest in is the Necrobutcher. She happened to come home from work while I was doing homework with an RF shoot interview featuring the Necrobutcher on in the background. She ended up watching nearly the whole interview, and discovered that Necrobutcher was a normal person, who only beats the fuck out of people with random objects as his job.

While updating a recent blog post, my wife inserted a picture of Necro, and discovered that Necro will be challenging Dynamite Terzis for the Stranglehold Pro Wrestling Title. Incidentally the event also features “Ice cold beer and a pissed off midget” as well as Beef Wellington, a “Bare foot thumbtack match”, a 2 out of 3 falls Lucha Libre match, a stable (or tagteam) known as “The Redneck Mafia” and a wrestler known as “the Nazi Destroyer”.  Should be fun.


Needless to say, we are now skipping dinner and the movie to go watch grown men in underwear fake fight with weapons and midgets.

UFC 100, Gaucamole

Posted in mma with tags , , , , , , , , on July 11, 2009 by phillbot

F5'in the shark

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Better than blogspot

Posted in Uncategorized on July 9, 2009 by phillbot

I have just created this blog for my Principles of eBusiness class. I also created a blogspot account, and wordpress is wwwaaayyyy better.


Just thought everyone should know that.

Hello world!

Posted in Uncategorized on July 9, 2009 by phillbot

This is my first post, thank you wordpress for doing this for me!!